Friday, March 19, 2010

Bolsa Chica w/ Matt (12/23/2009)

Based on swellmagnet, BC was the right call. SM and EP were small and  blown out. Some good sized waves, but inconsistent and hard to read.  Overall it was kind of mixed up. Had a few good rides.

BC was fun this morning, but JJ, you should have been there Monday!  Short periods and mushy today but I think we both got a decent amount of rides in considering how ugly it looked when we got there. Even started to
glass off a bit for about 5 min. I can now, finally, feel my toes.

Munster Dinged (12/19/2009)

Bay St. was pretty good today. A little weak, but fairly consistent,
with 3 or more solid 3' waves per set.  The bad news, Munster Mobile has it's first real ding. I'll have to
ride Peanut.

Bay St. (12/18/2009)

Bay St. with Shawn.

Bay St. (Monday, 12/14/2009)

Shawn and I went. The size was there, and, for a more experienced
surfer, the waves. But it was hard for me to read. They were pretty
walled up and fast. Shawn got a few good rides.

It was c-c-c-cold. JJ and I were in the water about 15 minutes before the sun came up and offshores blew the whole time. We surfed for just over an hour I think and I began to shiver a little and decided I'd enough.

Much bigger than I thought it would be. I was hoping for more swell to overcome the high tide and then wished for less swell once we were out in it. I'd say consistent chest waves rolled thru with occasional head high (surfline had 3-4' with occ 5' for Venice). Peaky windswell with decent shape on some waves, as usual the bigger ones were mostly closed out. I had one great right all the way into shore, a couple fast drop and turns and thats about it. Paddle out was a chore, a good day to be selective. Too bad tide's not cooperating with Sunset.


Sunset w/ Andrew (Thursday, 12/10/2010)

Sunset was decent, probably a  lot like Wednesday, but smaller.  I got a
really long right, and paddling back, Andrew got a similar one, so
that makes it a good day. The tide never really worked itself out, a
lot of side waves. The swell hit a lull around the time the tide
dropped enough.

Very cold, colder in the air than the water.

Bay St. (12/5/2009)

Don't really remember this session.

Could this be the session Shawn and I went to Will Rogers? Sunset wasn't working (tide) and Bay Street was closed out. Will Rogers was smaller. Partway through our session, a high school class started surfing at the jetty. I had one really good left, short but really peaked up as it rolled into shore.

El Porto Reflex Action (12/1/2009)

El Porto dawn patrol with Shawn. Fess is sick. High tide really hurt El Porto. Lots of reflex waves knocking you off anything you paddled for. Not really worth it.